DisclaimerThese pages include formulas from readers, formulas from Equis and formulas derived from Stocks and Commodities magazine. All formulas are for MetaStock v6.5 or higher unless noted. We make no claim that these formulas will work as described. Our objective is just to bring them together on one site as a resource. Your task is to find the formula that will do the task you want, or which can be used as a base which can be modified to do the task you want it to. Most of these formulas have been emailed to us and we believe they are in the public domain. Where known, the author is noted and an email contact provided. If you have additional author details or contacts, then please let us know and we will post full acknowledgements. If your material has been supplied to us and used without permission then please contact us to arrange for immediate removal. Many of these additions have been collected by Patrick McDonald and we thank him for his contributions. Formula writer Steve Karnish and Henry Kaczmarczyk can also be contacted for additional information. |